Sunday, 19 May 2013


So this is what I have been stitching lately 
And this is what it will look like when finished
A long way to go, and she will be huge when completed 24" by 36" but worth it, and then there is this one I am trying not to start but I know I will soon as soon as I decided what colours to stitch her in.
My excuse is I have to stitch them to show people what they look like, we'll that's what I tell hubby lol

Think some more Threadworx is in order. Well off to see if I can get a bit of stitching in filigree Heart, this afternoon while drooling over Mr Gosling AKA sex god :D


cucki said...

Sweet sketch...and cutie stitching..
Big hugs x

Clare-Aimetu said...

Beautiful, that will be amazing when finished :-)

Julie said...


Anonymous said...

very happy best embroidery digitizing to see your work!