Tuesday, 31 May 2011

On my previous post, WENDY asked me what the red lines are on my fabric. I dont like gridding much as i am slow and always have to double and triple check the lines so i thought i would give Magic Guide by DMC a go. Now its no where near as nice to stitch on as Jazlyn but it saves me time but i had not seen any that some one had used it and washed the red lines out, so i cut some off my fabric and  followed the instructions on DMC's web site, which to be honest were not very good, wash at 40. That was it.
So i did that i put it into a bowl  at 40 and what happened.... nothing, i left it for a bit longer, still nothing. Panic was now starting to rise and hubby tried to rub it together. By this time i was on the edge of hysterical, all that work for nothing. I then put some washing powder in and it started to disappear. Hysteria abated i left if for another few minutes and this is the end, but very tatty product( lesson learnt not to let hubby had hold of my fabric again.)
you can faintly see the lines when you hold the fabric up to the light, maybe more soaking would eradicate it completely and i wouldnt use it if you could see the fabric but for HAED its perfect.
Now onto a mid week update on Corsair Daemira. I started stitching her on Saturday morning while having a marathon DVD session and by Sunday night I had got this far...

and that was stitching most of Saturday and Sunday, I wish I could stitch faster. I finally finished all the blue and by Monday night i had got this far...
I may even get half a page finished before the end of this week as niext week is the HAED SAL so i will be working on Fragile Heart, and i am not enjoying stitching on 18ct no more it feels too big, if that makes sense.
Hope everyone is having a productive week

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Finally Finished ( page one that is)

Yes i did it, not like there were many stitches to put in, but there were a few colour changes, in there.
Dont know wether to continue with this page or make a start on Corsair Daemira, ( which will have to be renamed as i always have to look up the correct spelling- suggestions welcome, as i cant think  of any)

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Quick Update

Did very Little stitching this week, on DOTF life seems to get in the way. But i AM going to finish this bleeding page this week, i am!!

Now must get back to planning this menu out for school, hubby back soon and i said i wouldnt touch the computer  and my stitching, will be glad when its next week and i get 5 days off work!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Yummy Johnny

WOO HOOO!! Got tickets to see Pirates of the Caribbean: On stranger tides, tomorrow, yummy Johnny Depp, looks disher as a pirate than in real life, so to celebrate i bought...... another head yes i know i said i wanted a quick stitch, but i got a soft spot for pirates and mermaids, and i couldn't resist.

I have also been looking for something quick to stitch so i could stitch when i am out, so looking for a mermaid or pirate theme to stitch.

Now just to tell the kids, as i have only got two tickets, that wont go down well!

Sunday, 8 May 2011


No picture Im afraid as HAED's are so slow to stitch up, what i need is a really fun stitch thats not too...trying to find the right words but all i can come up with is concentrating to stitch?, A Quick Stitch?,  does that sound right? hmm well i know what i mean but hubby has banned me from buying any more, pah bloody men!
I  could stitch my LK Christmas Rules, but its summer and well i don't do christmas charts till at least September/October, so no idea maybe i should start my mirabilia.. does anyone else ever get like this?
Think i will look for some freebies, i may find something there.

I may be just on one of them moods lol

So how many would you say is too much to have on the go at once, how many do you have?  and how many charts/kits do you have in your collection? I think sometimes i should stop wanting to start and actually finish what i have!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Fragile Heart

Crap photo I know!

Page 3 was emailed to us this week so i really need to pull my socks out as i really want to finish a HAED this year. It is the SAL tomorrow so this I took a photo to show where I am at the moment, I should at least finish this page this week.  Looking forward to seeing her eye come alive.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


Bugger, i knew i would forget to post my TUSAL, well better late than never. I even got rid of the jam jar too!!

On the stitching front i havent done any as i have been preparing for my new job, pah work who needs it!

Monday, 2 May 2011

Black, Black and more Black

MY STITCHY BUG IS BACK!!!, Sorry i had to shout about it as i thought it had buggered off never to be seen again, i have got back into my mermaid again, and took it with me camping, I only took two colours with me 3371 and 301 ( dark brown and black), i did all of these two colours on page 5 and i have started page 6 which most of it is just black.

I really wanted to put it down and finish page one of DOTF but i am going to try and get all the black done before i swap, well as much as i can before Friday as its the Freebie SAL on the HAED BB this week.

The trouble with HAEDS are it doesn't look much but it takes me ages to stitch, so I'm happy with the progress, i am hoping you can see a difference at the end of the week